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Jun 14, 20203 min read
Acupuncture and Change: How Acupuncture Can Help Ease Transitions
How do we go through the phases of life while maintaining balance, equilibrium and some sense of security and safety?

Oct 11, 20195 min read
Acupuncture and Back Pain
ACUPUNCTURE AND BACK PAIN: HOW TO HEAL YOURSELF IN 5 EASY STEPS Back pain is one of the biggest orthopedic pain symptoms we hear about at...

Jun 11, 20193 min read
Acupuncture and Skin Conditions
Skin is an amazing organ that is helping us every moment of the day. It is the largest in the body and has so many fascinating functions....

Sep 18, 20182 min read
Acupuncture and Immunity
What Is Our Immune System and How Can We Strengthen It? Our immune system is a beautiful and complex system of defense. Many of us know...

Jul 4, 20187 min read
Acupuncture and Detoxification
Toxicity can take many shapes and forms, from air and water pollution to chemicals in our foods. These are considered external toxins. We...

May 14, 20183 min read
Acupuncture and Sunshine: What’s the connection?
Summer is almost here, and so we thought it best to talk about the power of Sunshine! Sunlight has such a positive effect on the body in...

Mar 2, 20183 min read
Tissues of the Body: Healing Rates, How Acupuncture Helps and 5 Tips to Speed and Enhance Healing
Spring is around the corner, so we thought it would be fun to talk about some rates of renewal and regeneration in the body… Why does it...

Dec 4, 20174 min read
Holidays and Health Goals
At HCA we see a diverse array of health issues, and we love treating all of them. That’s the beauty of acupuncture: it can treat...

Nov 1, 20173 min read
The Holistic Art of Prevention
The season of autumn provides us a transition from the hot summer months into the cold, sometimes harsh winter. This is the time of year...

Sep 4, 20178 min read
Treating and Maintaining Autoimmune Diseases with Acupuncture
My boyfriend was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis 15 years ago, and other than a somewhat strong flare up 5 years after that it has...

Jul 1, 20175 min read
Using Acupuncture Before, During, and After Pregnancy
We’ve discussed the wide range of benefits of acupuncture in the past, but this month we wanted to talk about a particular group of...

Jun 1, 20174 min read
Children and Acupuncture
Summer is just around the corner, and for many of us this means we become more active in our free time, or perhaps even take a short...

Apr 24, 20173 min read
Healing with Dit Da Jow
As the popularity of acupuncture increases in the western world, it opens the doors to the wonders of Chinese medicine. More and more...

Apr 3, 20176 min read
Obtaining Restful Sleep with Acupuncture
Last month we “sprung forward” with Daylight Savings, which means that we lost an hour of our day. Of course the hour isn’t actually...

Feb 7, 20172 min read
Acupuncture for Seasonal Allergies
Spring is a time of renewal, and every year we watch with anticipation as the world reawakens. Animals emerge from their winter hiding...

Feb 1, 20178 min read
Fighting the Winter Blues
Winter got you down? Essential Oils are a natural remedy for anxiety and depression, which we all know are very common during the winter....

Dec 1, 20163 min read
Gifts of Health & Wellness
Here at HCA our goal is to help as many people as we can to feel like their optimum self. In addition to our quality and affordable...

Nov 1, 20162 min read
The Benefits of Ear Seeding
We all lead complicated and busy lives, and sometimes we just can’t receive our acupuncture treatments as regularly as we would like....

Oct 3, 20163 min read
Autumn is Here!
With the cooler weather and beautiful changing leaves comes the start of pesky cold and flu season. We offer a variety of essential oils,...

Sep 6, 20162 min read
What’s New at HCA?
We hope that you’ve all been enjoying this beautiful summer so far! We’ve made some changes over the last few months, offering new...

Apr 8, 20223 min read
Acupuncture and Peace
The events over the past few years are not unfamiliar to the world. There have been famines, wars, pandemics and many other chaotic...

Sep 28, 20213 min read
Can Cupping Help You Heal Faster?
Cupping is an ancient healing treatment with modern applications. Throughout the centuries this traditional Chinese healing method has...

Sep 2, 20215 min read
7 Steps to Heal and Prevent Inflammation
Arthritis, Gastritis, Bronchitis, Colitis, Tendonitis, Encephalitis and anything that ends with -itis is a term used to describe...
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